Pokud včela o vědom z zasahuje i úlu, včelstva v určité dny,vyžívá vhodn ty tyto dny pro pííslušné ošetření,péči o včely,je velmi výborné pro rozvoj
To Alexander Fleming, humanity owes a lot. Without his discovery of penicillin, many soldiers who survived the horrors of World War II would not have
Our ears and nose have special tissue that is softer than bone but harder than muscle. Deforming this tissue for medical reasons usually requires surgery
Vědou se lidé společn s s náboženstvím,umnním začali zabývat od samého počátku lidské kultury. Jedná se o pozorování světa kolem sebe,které lidem umočnilo rozvíjet svojí
In March 2011, Craig Lewis, a 55-year-old man with amyloidosis (an autoimmune disease that causes organs to fill with sticky proteins, leading to heart, kidney,
It is a sad fact that doctors still cannot cure all the diseases that afflict us. In many cases, they can only relieve symptoms. And
You must have experienced the sensation of a persistent whisper that something you do will never work, or that you are certain something bad has
There is no doubt that money makes the world go round. This is true in areas that we do not speak of, especially in research
I always liked reading lots of books and scientific papers. I told myself that after elementary school I would go to high school. Because from