
Society and Gossip

If many people like something, it is gossip and rumor. For example, I am sure there are many people who take great pleasure in hearing gossip and rumors about people they do not like. There are certainly many people who rejoice when they hear that someone they don\’t like very much is not doing well. Unfortunately, people gloat, so they are really happy when someone they don\’t like is not doing well. There are many people who, sitting together somewhere, gossip about others and never talk to each other about themselves or what\’s going on. If something spreads fast enough, it\’s gossip.

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Often, things that are not true reach people you would never expect. It is quite possible that such people will believe it because there is no one to disprove it. This could result in others looking at that person in a strange way, and that person having no idea what it is all about. Unfortunately, that is how society works today. People try to hurt each other instead of helping each other. If people would help each other, instead of gossiping and mud-slinging, they would be better off. That certainly wasn\’t the case before. In the past people tried to help each other as much as they could. Unfortunately, today the story is different, and people try to show their best.

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Surely, there is nothing wrong with people thinking about themselves. For example, just because you see a woman waiting for a man before going to work does not immediately mean that she is his mistress if he has a wife. It could be a relative, such as a sister or cousin. However, it may soon become a rumor that the man has a mistress, and the word may get around to his wife. A very limited number of couples may be harmed by this. People should think about themselves and preferably before leaking anything.