
What generation do you belong to?

A generation is a group of people of approximately the same age who lived at approximately the same time. They are united by similar upbringings, lifestyles, and attitudes.

Main groups of generations:

  1. War generation (until 1945)

They experienced Nazism, Communism, the Prague Spring, normalization, the Velvet Revolution, and much more. Today, a generation of builders is disillusioned with the world around them. Not many representatives of this group remain anymore.


  1. BABY BOOMERS (1946-1967)

AKA the postwar generation, or the sandwich generation. They unfortunately suffer from normalization. They are taking care of their children and grandchildren as well as their aging parents. This group is associated with the emergence of hippies and punks. They spent most of their lives under communism. They divide their lives between pre-revolution and post-revolution.

  1. HUSAK\’S CHILDREN (1968-1982)

Neboli Generace X. At this time they were working They were in their prime and at the peak of their physical strength. They have survived socialism, but they have also survived the Wild Nineties. Competition and rebellion against power and the system are in their blood. Their motto is work first, play second.

An interesting subcategory is the Xennial generation, born between 1978 and 1983. They are on the cusp of Generation X and Generation Y. They combine the old with the new: the good schools of Generation X and the predations of the next generation. [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] Millennials [103] (1983-1997) [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111 years] [112 years] This generation may be known as Generation Y or the Havel children. This generation is the first to become globalized and is already dominated by the online environment. They already take for granted the freedom to travel abroad. They have thousands of opportunities and they want to take advantage of them. This generation no longer makes phone calls; they use smart apps. They are more interpersonally oriented than previous generations.


  1. GENERATION Z (since 1998)

aka Online Sky Generation Generation M (as multitasking). Also known as the Internet generation, the children of the new millennium, or the i-generation. They have not experienced a time without the Internet or smartphones, and their vibrancy is happening online. Their vibrancy is happening online. All this is just the beginning, and they have big goals and plans. Most of them still live with their parents.

  1. Alpha Generation (as of 2015)

The youngest generation today. They are already exposed to modern technology at the pre-school stage.
