
Why Some Games Are Addictive

Addiction to certain types of games has long been known. This is also why advertising warns about this issue, and it is officially allowed only from the age of 18. But how does this dependence occur? After all, unlike, for example, nicotine, is not there a substance that our body gets used to and begins to demand it, or is it so?

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The truth is that, in fact, certain chemical reactions are formed here. In essence, this is a specific form of the classic Pavlov reflex, known for several decades. We simply learn to expect rewards for acts done, plus expectations for income without a large workforce.

This already gives us a conditional reflection by some small amount of occasional wins and the fact that we often hear about how many people have already won, which supports the hope that something like this can happen to us and that the more often we play, the more likely we are to win.

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This is another thing many of us don\’t think about. The fact is that more frequent bets do not mean a higher probability of winning. It\’s always the same, whether you bet once or a hundred times. There is no point in betting that one day it will come out. But this is somewhat counterintuitive, so it escapes from many.

This also supports our passion for betting. This creates growth expectations that more often we bet. This is supported by all sorts of special awards that many of these companies often offer.

Of course, this does not mean that no one will win these big sums. But the chances that we will succeed are really minimal. As a result, in most cases, even if we sometimes win a little, we usually put more into it than we come back. That is why these companies pay for their work. Only they are the ultimate winners.